【流利说英语】05-13 两次失误带来的教训




Hey, Guys.

I’m Maggi, I’m Adam.

Welcome back to our channel.

We’ve received tens of feedback from your guys about our last video.

In the comments, a lot of your guys requested more videos about travelling hacks for international trips.

So today, we want to share with two mistakes we’ve made while travelling. So you don’t do the same.

On one of our trips. The bank froze our credit card, because we forget to tell them that we’ll going abroad.

I still to remember that.

We had to spend hours on the phone trying to unlock the card.

It was thought headache.

Hey guys, I’m Maggie.
I’m Adam.
Welcome back to our channel.
We’ve received tons of feedback from you guys about our last video.
In the comments, a lot of you guys requested more videos about traveling hacks for international trips.
So today, we want to share with you two mistakes we’ve made while traveling, so you don’t do the same.
On one of our trips, the bank froze our credit card because we forgot to tell them that we
were going abroad.
I still remember that.
We had to spend hours on the phone trying to unlock the card.
It was such a headache.

Hey guys, I’m Maggie.
I’m Adam.
Welcome back to our channel.
We’ve received tons of feedback from you guys about our last video.
In the comments, a lot of you guys requested more videos about traveling hacks for international trips.
So today, we want to share with you two mistakes we’ve made while traveling, so you don’t do the same.
On one of our trips, the bank froze our credit card because we forgot to tell them that we were going abroad.
I still remember that.
We had to spend hours on the phone trying to unlock the card.
It was such a headache.
On another trip, we lost both of our passports.
And to make things worse, we hadn’t packed any copies of them before we left.
Why hadn’t we done that?
We probably thought we would never lose them.
But actually, losing passports is one of the most common incidents travelers encounter.
So ever since then, we always pack several copies of our passports in our carry-on.
This allows us to have all the information handy in case we need to apply for a new one at an embassy.
Well, that’s all for today.
We hope this video helps you avoid the problems we experienced and makes your travels as smooth as possible.

On another trip, We lost both of our passports.

And to make things worse, we hadn’t packed any copies of them before we left.

Why hadn’t we done that?

We probably thought we would never lose them.

But actually, losing passports is one of the most common incidents travelers encounter.

So ever since then, we always pack several copies of our passports in our carry-on.



The sun is about to set, let’s get good spot to watch.

We are about to eat dinner. would you like to join us?

Anyway, we should head to the theater. The movie is duo to start in 30 minutes.

The train is duo to arrive at 6 pm.

He is to be the new captain of our soccer team.

练习课-be likely to的几种用法

He extremely likely to work later again.


Hi, how are things going?

Great! Chloe is such a fun kid.

Happy to hear it.

I hope you don’t mind, but I let her to play video games after dinner.

After dinner? Had Chloe already finished her homework?


Wow! I’m impressed, she almost never finishes her homework that quickly. Nice job!

Thank you.

Liz, I’m so sorry, but after you called, Chloe broke a lamp in the living room.

Oh, my, how had she managed to do that?

Well, she had said that she was going to bed, but…

Chloe hadn’t gone to bed, had she?

No, she had come back down and was playing in the living room when she knocked the lamp over.

Oh well, it was an old lamp anyway. Don’t worry about it.

Hi, how are things going?
Great! Chloe is such a fun kid.
Happy to hear it.
I hope you don’t mind, but I let her play video games after dinner.
After dinner? Had Chloe already finished her homework?
Wow! I’m impressed, she almost never finishes her homework that quickly. Nice job!
Thank you.
Liz, I’m so sorry, but after you called, Chloe broke a lamp in the living room.
Oh, my, how had she managed to do that?
Well, she had said that she was going to bed, but…
Chloe hadn’t gone to bed, had she?
No, she had come back down and was playing in the living room when she knocked the lamp over.
Oh well, it was an old lamp anyway. Don’t worry about it.


When travelling, many people assume that everything will go according to their plans.

To assume means to accept something is true, even though you don’t have proof.

It is assumed that the product will become a huge success.

I think we can safety assume that the project will be finished in December.

Assume this is the last day of your life. What would you do?

More often than not. Trave is on predictable.

To be unpredictable means to be likely to change suddenly and without reason.

The weather has been completely unpredictable recently.

Life is full of unpredictable beauty and surprises.

He always brings an umbrella with him because of the unpredictable weather.

Finding yourself lost in a strange city can be scarting and frustrating.

If something is frustrating, it makes you feel annoyed because you cannot achieve what you want.

It can be very frustrating when you can’t connect to the Internet.

He works late every day but still can’t get the work done. So he feels frustrated.

It is frustrating to work with someone who doesn’t care about his work.

I assumed he was going to be late, so I was surprised to find out he got there on time.
I assumed he was going to be late, so I was surprised to find out he showed up early.

She’s so unpredictable. You never know what she’ll do next.

I’m so frustrated by the unpredictable schedule of transport. I assumed the bus would arrive on time.

Dealing with the unpredictable weather is so frustrating. It never rains when I bring my umbrella, but only rains when I assume it won’t.

It’s frustrating that I always get late because of the bad traffic in the morning.

The stock market is always unpredictable . Don’t assume you could certainly make a profit.

Getting a lost gives you a chance to test your ability to overcome challenges.

If you overcome a challenge, you deal with it successfully.

The challenge is huge but he is confident he can overcome it.

They have managed to overcome their differences on the issue.

I have overcome many difficult moments in my career.

It’s important to see unexpected changes as opportunities to adapt to new situations.

To adapt means to change oneself to deal with a new situation

He finds it very difficult to adapt his new job.

Children are able to adapt to new environments very quickly.

It’s hard to adapt to the society you live in.

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

This movie is adapted from a novel written by a famous author.

To overcome the challenges of working remotely, she quickly adapted to the new technologies and communication tools.

When I thought of her words, I gained the strength to overcome the difficulty.

In order to survive, some animals adapt to the severe environment in surprising ways.

If you want everything to be perfect, you’ll probably end up getting frustrated.

Men tend to assume that women aren’t good at driving but that is not necessarily true.

My son thinks it’s difficult to adapt to his new school, but I believe he’ll get used to it soon.

This job requires one to be adaptive to overcome unpredictable challenges.

She managed to overcome all the difficulties with her amazing performance.

I had read the book before watching its movie adaption. I assumed the movie would be as interesting as the book, but is turned out to be very frustrating.

It takes time to adapt to a new environment.
We can safety assume she will pass the exam.
I believe she can overcome these difficulties.

Many people experience a lot of frustrated and dissatisfaction at their first job.

She failed to predict the result since her prediction was based on a wrong assumption.

After hearing the news that he was rejected, he almost cried in frustration.

He seemed very surprised at the outcome, since it turned out to be completely different from how he pridicted.

After transferring to a new school, he quickly adapted to the new environment.

Even if I assume your proposal is possible theoretically, it will be very costly to do so.

I couldn’t overcome this challenge without your help.

Don’t assume that great people never make mistakes.

Life is unpredictable, so it’s improtance to live in the present.

Job hunting can be frustrating, so it’s important to be well-prepared.

We have to adapt to the new workflow as soon as possible.

When traveling, many people assume that everything will go according to their plans.
But more often than not, travel is unpredictable.
Getting lost, for example,happens to a lot of people.
Finding yourself lost in a strange city can be scary frustrating and at first.
But, instead of seeing it as a disaster, try looking at it as a chance to test your ability to overcome challenges.
Once you figure out how to get back on the right track, you’ll realize that you’ve accomplished something.
So knowing that things will go off plans will help you accept that travel isn’t always perfect.
What matters is to enjoy unexpected changes.
See them as opportunities to adapt to new situations, and not simply as disappointments.


A hack is usually a creative idea/a smart tip.

I have overcome many difficult moments in my career.

It’s hard to adapt to the society you live in.

He always brings an umbrella with him because of the unpredictable weather.

The actress always dreamed of making it big.

My colleague always has hacks for solving problems.

Mike notified the bank of his new email address and phone number.

It is frustrating to work with someone who doesn’t care about his work.

Have you encountered any difficulties when you travel?

Assume this is the last day of your life. What would you do?

I took the day off yesterday, but I had finished all my work beforehand.

The recent robbery incident made many citizens panic.

Bill is too opinionated and is always getting into arguments with his colleagues.

Dealing with the unpredictable weather is so frustrating. It never rains when I bring my umbrella, but only rains when I assume it won’t.


He’s extremely likely to work late again.

They are thrilled to meet their favorite author in person.

You left your passport in the taxi again? You never learned from the incident last year.

She managed to overcome all the difficulties with her amazing performance.

Which of the following is about the importance of adapting?

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

I’m about to leave. / I’m going to leave soon.

Can we do this tomorrow?

My son thinks it’s difficult to adapt to his new school, but I believe he’ll get used to it soon.

My people have recently reported incidents of robbery in this area. If you encounter any possible danger, please notify the police.

Had he already cleaned the house before you came home?

If you are going to travel abroad, please notify your bank beforehand.


Rebecca, I just watched your vlog about travel packing tips. You did great job!

Thanks, Greg. That’s very nice of you to say that.

I mean it, you are a fantastic vlogger.

That video is both of fun and useful.

I’m glad you like it.

I saw that video got twenty thousand views.

That’s quit impressive for a new vlogger.

Well, thanks to that vlog, my channel is growing now. But my video beforehand was not as good.

You mean the one called “A Day in My Life”?

Yes, I assumed people would like it, but it didn’t get too many viewers.

I saw that video. I thought it was pretty good. You probably just need some more time for the channel to grow.

I guess you are right.

My fall break is about to come. I plan to travel to Germany. I will follow your tips when I pack.

Haha, I hope you have a wonderful trip.

What video of Rebecca did Greg describe as “fun and useful”?

a video about travel packing hacks

Which of the following statements are true about Rebecca’s vlog about travel packing tips?

It was popular. / Rebecca’s channel is growing because of it.

Which of the following statements are true about Rebecca’s video called “A Day in My Life”?

Greg thought it was really good. / It didn’t get too many views.

Where will Greg go to in his fall break?


You are a fantastic violin player. I really liked your performance.

Thanks. How nice of you to say that.

How sweet of you to say that.

Thank you. That’s very nice of you to say that.

Thank you. How nice of you to say that.

These cookies taste amazing!

I’m glad you like them.

I’m delighted to hear that.

I’m pleased that you enjoy it.

It’s a pleasure to hear that.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy it.

I’m glad to hear that.

I’m glad you like it.

I’m glad you enjoyed it.

You are doing pretty well in school. I’m so proud of you, son.

Thanks, Dad. That means a lot coming from you.

Greg, you are the smartest person I’ve ever known.

Thanks, that means a lot.

That means a lot coming from you.

Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.


I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall.

I’ve pictched AI model to those angel investors twice now, and both times, it’s been a bust.

They just don’t seem interested.

Oh Rechel, I’m really sorry to hear that.

I thought we had a real shot with our model, but it seems like we’re just not getting through to them.

I get it. But it’s trial and error and you will get a better hang of it next time.

I hope so. I can’t help but feel like I’v let everyone down.

Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it.

Failure is just a stepping stone to succes. It’s all part of the learning process.

I know, but it’s frustrating. I thought I had everything figured out.

Look, you’ve get to roll with the punches. We live and learn, right?

The important thing is to take what we’ve learned from this experience and use it to improve.

You’re right, David. I need to take a step back, reassess our approach and come back with a better solution.

Exactly! We’ll regroup, rethink our strategy, and come back again.

I’ll definitely work on my presentation skill next time.

You got this. Third time is a charm.


I feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall.

I’ve pitched the AI model to those angel investors twice now, and both times, it’s been a bust.

They just don’t seem interested.

Oh Rachel, I’m really sorry to hear that.

I thought we had a real shot with our model, but it seems like we’re just not getting through to them.

I get it. But it’s trial and error and you will get a better hang of it next time.

I hope so. I can’t help but feel like I’ve let everyone down.

Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it.

Failure is just a stepping stone to success. It’s all part of the learning process.

I know, but it’s frustrating. I thought I had everything figured out.

Look, you’ve got to roll with the punches. We live and learn, right?

The important thing is to take what we’ve learned from this experience and use it to improve.

You’re right, David. I need to take a step back, reassess our approach and come back with a better solution.

Exactly! We’ll regroup, rethink our strategy, and come back again.

I’ll definitely work on my presentation skills next time.

You got this. Third time is a charm.

05-13-05-failure-lesson speaking-fluency-05-13


What does David think of failure?

He thinks they help us learn and perform better in the future.

Many students now see university as a stepping stone to a good job.

How can I get it through to her that this is really important?

I had a shot with Math before but it didn’t work out.

I went looking for jobs but the first try was a bust.

For many companies, pitching to inverstors has become a full-time job.

The movie directed by the young director is a super bust.

The new

Do you think I have a shot with that pretty girl?

I keep asking her not to park there, but it’s like banging my head aganist a brick wall.

Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error.

It seems difficult at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.

I had never sailed a boat before but by the third day, I was getting the hang of it.

After hours of trial and error, Ted cracked the code.

I asked for help but felt I was always banging my head against a wall.


I’ve tried to talk some sense into them, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall.


Once you get the hang of it, it can be a great experience.


I learned most of what I know about it through trial and error.




  • beat yourself up about
  • roll with the punches
  • Third time is a charm.

Don’t beat yourself up about it. Failure is just a stepping stone to success.


beat yourself up about something(为某事)过分自责。beat somebody up本身表示揍某人,也可以引申为责怪,也就是在心灵上对某人拳打脚踢。在面对失败的时候,我们可以说 don’t beat yourself up about it 也就是不要过分自责,不要过度陷入自怨自艾的情绪。介词about也可以替换成over

Sometimes you just need to learn to roll with the punches and make the best of what you have.


roll with the punches 灵活应变克服困难。punch 在这个短语中作名词,表示拳头的击打。挥拳的动作很快,一般很难预测,在这里就代表复杂多变的客观条件,而 roll 表示滚动,可以理解为在地上不停滚动躲避拳头。roll with the punches 就代表要像躲避拳头一样不断调整自己的心态,去面对多变的情况。

He finally managed to pass his exam. As they say, third time’s a charm.


Third time is a charm. 也许第三次会成功。这个习语特指前两次已经失败了,而第三次或许会成功。charm 本身是魅力;魔力;吸引力的意思,也可以理解为魔法和魔咒。这个习语也可以翻译为”第三次的魔法”,为第三次的行动带来幸运加持。可以用来鼓励失败了两次的人,安慰他们第三次或许会有不一样的结果。

Many industries were able to roll with the punches in a tough economy.

He married twice before and now expects third time will be a charm.

It’s not worth beating yourself up over a failed relationship.


I hope the third time will be a charm for you.


Being an actor isn’t easy, but I’ve learnt to roll with the punches.

You shouldn’t beat yourself up about things you can’t change.




  • bang one’s head against a brick wall
  • trial and error
  • get the hang of
  • beat yourself up about
  • roll with the punches
  • Third time is a charm.



It seems difficult at first, but you’ll soon get the hang on it.


We are not geniuses. We learn by trial and error.

You have to learn how to roll with the punches and to really find joy in very single day.

The jewellery was stolen twice before so the girl is wondering if the third time will be a charm.

If you beat yourself up about pass mistakes, you’re less likely to make progress.


It is a waste of energy banging your head against a wall, wishing things were different.


Ben had visited London before, hadn’t he?

Allen had been happy when he left, hadn’t he?

What had she said that made him so upset?

What’s your best travel hack?

We wish to notify our customers that we will be closed from Thursday to Saturday.

I assumed Frank was coming, so I was surprised when he didn’t show up.

Why had/ When had he left the party?


【流利说英语】05-13 两次失误带来的教训