【流利说英语】05-14 今生与永生-你将学习关于生命意义的哲学讨论。



27分钟 249 经验值


通过本节课,你将学习对生命意义的探讨。知识点Can use the present perfect passive affirmative form (often in the context of reporting).

What are you reading?

It’s a novel about a person who learns the secret to living forever, but questions whether she wants to.

Why would she question that? Who wouldn’t want to living forever?

Well, the topic has been discussed for philosophers throughout history. So it can’t be that obvious.

That’s what philosophers do, overthink things.

It’s simple yes for me. Because I’d have plenty of time to do whatever I want.

I don’t know. As some point, you’d run out of new things to do and life would become dull.

What are you reading?
It’s a novel about a person who learns the secret to living forever, but questions whether she wants to.
Why would she question that? Who wouldn’t want to live forever?
Well, the topic has been discussed by philosophers throughout history, so it can’t be that obvious.
That’s what philosophers do, overthink things.
It’s a simple yes for me, because I’d have plenty of time to do whatever I want.
I don’t know. At some point, you’d run out of new things to do and life would become dull.

She is reading a novel.

What is novel about?

A person questioning whether she should live forever?

A person learnt a secret to live forever.

What was Joshua’s opinion about whether one should living forever?

He’d like to since he’ll have enough time to do what he wants to.

He thinks those who dwell on this problem are overthinking.

What does Karen mean?

This question has attracted many philosophers.

It’s not an easy question to answer.

How’s that worse than being dead?

To me, it’s good to know there’s an end. The limit of time gives me the motivation to make every day count.

Well, I’m not motivated by time, but by success.

Okay, but with eternal life, you would outlive everyone you ever knew and loved, which would cause you unbearable pain.

I guess I hadn’t thought about that. So you wouldn’t want to living forever?

Actually, I’m not sure. I just wanted it point out that there are a lot good of arguments against it.

You always do this!

Do what?

Start arguments with me! Can’t you just agree with me for once?

Me? You started it.

Well, I have better things to do with my time than argue with you.

It’s not like I’ll live forever.

How’s that worse than being dead?
To me, it’s good to know there’s an end.
The limit of time gives me the motivation to make every day count.
Well, I’m not motivated by time, but by success.
Okay, but with eternal life, you would outlive everyone you ever knew and loved, which would cause you unbearable pain.
I guess I hadn’t thought about that.
So you wouldn’t want to live forever?
Actually, I’m not sure. I just wanted to point out that there are a lot of good arguments against it.
You always do this.
Do what?
Start arguments with me!
Can’t you just agree with me for once?
You started it.
Well, I have better things to do with my time than argue with you.
It’s not like I’ll live forever.

We cherish our lives more when there’s an end.

We will run out of things to do.

It’s painful to live longer than everyone we know and love.

If something counts, it is important or helpful.

Do you think appearances count in job interviews?


Do you think appearances matter in job interviews?

They called off the project and all my hard work counted for nothing.


我们可以用 count for something/anything/nothing来表示某样事物是否有价值。

What is the audio trying to say?

There are some influential people being invited to the forum.

Do my feelings for you count for anything?

If something is eternal, it exists for a long time or lasts forever.

Balancing work and family life seems to be an eternal struggle.

If you outlive someone, you live longer than that person.

The actress passed away at the age of ninety-three, outliving both her son and husband.

The board decided to do away with several policies that have long outlived their usefulness.


Outlive one’s usefulness 是固定习语,表示某人或某物已不再有价值。这句例句的意思是:董事会决定废除几项早已失去意义的制度。

The building has long outlived its usefulness.

When something is unbearable, it’s so annoying or unpleasant that you can’t experience it any longer.



小说《生命不能承受之轻》的英文名,就是The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

We kept ourselves busy to make our times apart less unbearable.

When I was in my teens. I found my mom’s constant nagging unbearable.


I couldn’t bear my mother’s constant nagging when I was in my teens.

The woman thinks people usually wait long at the airport.

The woman finds the airport waiting time to be unbearable.

What’s inside is more importance than what’s outside.

It could be unbearable to have an eternal life and outlive all of your family and friends.

Have you read the book The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Studies by the World Health Organization suggest that woman outlive men by an average of six to eight years.

The external arguments between her parents have made the little girl’s life almost unbearable.

Do you know that parrots can easily outlive their owners?

I wonder how many diamonds it takes to show eternal love.

If the manager rejects my proposal, all my time and effort will count for nothing.

In that movie, the old man and the title boy set off on a journey to find the secrets to eternal life.

What we learn from history outlives the event itself. It is the lesson drawn that counts.

It’s almost unbearable that they outlived their daughter.

What you do counts more than what you say.

I can’t see why some people believe that eternal youth counts more than wisdom and experience.

The red phone booths are still popular among tourists, but I’m afraid they have long outlived their usefulness.

This eternal piece of art outlives the changes in aesthetic preferences over time.

The thought of spending Christmas by myself is almost unbearable.

What can be inferred from the audio?
Although he worked hard, his grade was not ideal.

We believe that the truth will always outlive the lie in the end.

练习课-申请 MBA(下)-习课

练习课申请 MBA(下)7分钟25 经验值 练习课




inspire, impression, initially

We’ve had three exhausting 15-hour work days.

Arriving on time for an interview gives people a good first impression.

After her trip to Paris, she was inspired to learn French.

If you are waiting for the team to win the game, don’t hold your breath.

The store is now under new management.

She would go for a walk in the park every day when she lived here.

Your trust in him is merely based on your first impression, but I don’t think he is really going to help. Don’t hold your breath.

The motivational speaker inspired many people to improve their time management skills.

She was completely exhausted after a long day of work and went straight to bed.

She started as an intern initially, and worked her way up to a manager in six years.

I got the impression that she was always very busy.

When I studied in the UK, I would have video calls with my parents every week.

I want to get a cab soon, but I won’t hold my breath.

My family would go on several trips abroad every year before my father’s company closed.



经验值+ 23


12分钟 39 经验值



Hi Kim, I am so sorry I didn’t make it to your party.
I didn’t come because I hadn’t gotten to work yet.
I woke up late yesterday because I hadn’t set my alarm the night before.
I realized my kids were going to be late because I hadn’t woken them up.
When I opened the fridge to make them a quick lunch, there was very little there.
There wasn’t enough food because I hadn’t gone grocery shopping.
What a disaster!
Anyway, I love you and I wish you the best of luck.

He needed to a new job because he had been fired

The boy was crying because he had been beaten by his friend.

I woke up late because I hadn’t set my alarm the night before.

It means I didn’t set my alarm before I woke up.

I didn’t make it to the concert because I had bought tickets for the wrong day.

It means I bought the wrong tickets before I went to the concert.

She was late for class because there had been a car accident.

He broke his leg because he had fallen down from stairs.

He bought a new hat because the old one had been lost.

I haven’t met him for days because he had gone on a travel.

He decided to quit his job because his boss had set him up.

She was crying because she had cut an onion.

He was scratched by his cat because he had pulled her tail.

He was not able to do his homework because he had hurt his finger while playing basketball.

He was really mad because his daughter had painted on his shirt.

It took shorter time to get her company than before because she had moved to a closer apartment.

He did no answer my calls because his phone had been powered off.

She had a stomach ache because she had had three ice creams after lunch.

He arrived Shanghai later than planned because his flight had been delayed.

He redid his report because he had accidently clicked on the close button without saving the file.



正确率83% 听原音0次 录音5次
经验值+ 32


3分钟9 经验值

语法点“be to 谈论日程安排”专项练习,你最近有1道错题与该语法点相关,当前语法点掌握程度为84%

Let me see… Yeah I got the invitation. They even planned the schedule for us! We are to arrive at the park at twelve o’clock, and the wedding officially starts at 13:14.

Jay Chou is due to perform at People’s square tonight. I can’t wait to see him, he’s been my favorites singer since was a child.

The new restaurant is due to open in three hours.

The train is due to arrive at 10:54 p.m.

The minimum salary is to be increased next month.

Anyway, we should head to the theater. The movie is due to start in thirty minutes.

The wild animal park is to be closed due to the bad weather.



主动录音+ 2


be to 谈论日程安排 +13% 97%掌握

  • We are to arrive at the park at twelve o’clock, and the wedding officially starts at 13:14.
  • The train is due to arrive at 10:54 p.m.
  • The minimum salary is to be increased next month.

be to 表义务和指令+5%,88%掌握

  • The wild animal park is to be closed due to the bad weather.
  • We are to arrive at the park at twelve o’clock, and the wedding officially starts at 13:14.
  • The minimum salary is to be increased next month.

be to 表将来+5%88%掌握

  • We are to arrive at the park at twelve o’clock, and the wedding officially starts at 13:14.
  • The minimum salary is to be increased next month.
  • The wild animal park is to be closed due to the bad weather.

Monday · Jul 22

Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 79天 今天学习时长 37分 排名超过81%的同学

Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.


15分钟 165 经验值




  • Can use the present perfect passive negative form (often in the context of reporting).
  • Can use the past perfect passive affirmative form.
  • Can use the present perfect passive affirmative form (often in the context of reporting).


It’s finally Friday. Do you have any plans on the weekend?

Yeah, I have a few things to do.

My new laptop has been delivered, so I plan to install some software onto it.

I also bought a new piano. I’ve had my old piano for ages, and it has been worn down by all my playing.

Wow, you shopped a lot.

Yeah, after my mom’s house had been sold, she lent me some money.

So I still have to work hard to pay her back.

I see. But anyways, enjoy your weekend.


Dear Logan, I’m writing to tell you about something that happened to me last Saturday.

When I got home that night, I discovered that my TV had been turned on. And I remembered turning it off before leaving.

Besides that, I heard a noise in the kitchen. I went in and fount that the tap had been turned on and the water was running.

I was terrified. The door was locked so I didn’t know how these things happened. I called the police and they checked the CCTV footage. It turns out a cat had broken in my house!

He had slipped in through an open window, stepped on the TV monitor, and then bumped the tap in the kitchen.

Just last night, he got back in and tried to walk around my place again, but that time I was home.

Was I upset? Of cause not! I named him Michael, and he has been loved by me since then.

I gave him food and he seemed to like it. Now I have a pet!


The cake has been eaten by him.

He has eaten the cake.


The cake has been eaten by him.

现在完成时的被动语态是某人/某物+has/have(not)+been + done +(by某人/某物)。


将 He has given the gift 改为被动句
The gift has been given by him.

The car has been cleaned by him.

The dishes have been washed by her.

How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended?


How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended?


过去完成时的被动语态的结构为:某人/某物+had (not)+been + done +(by某人/某人)。


When they got to the school, the classroom had been cleaned.

Before he arrived home, the dinner had already been prepared by his mom.

Before I realized I forgot to lock the door, my staff had been stolen.



现在完成时被动语态的结构为某人/某物+has/have(not) + been + done +(by 某人/某物)。


He has repaired the machine twice this week.(主动语态)

The machine has been repaired twice this week.(被动语态)


The books have been borrowed by someone.
The books have not been borrowed by anyone.

Actually, his new book has not been published yet.

My bike is broken, and it has not been repaired yet.

Actually, my dinner had already been finished by the time she called.

The hall had been decorated for the celebration two weeks beforehand.

The computer has been used for many years. I suggest that you buy a new one.

All the letters send to him had been delivered by the time he got home yesterday.

Many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.

All the tickets had been sold before we even heard about the concert.

The dinner had already been cooked when he came home.

I just saw that the windows had been broken by someone.

Yes, they said it had been stolen by a short fat man this morning.

My new bike has been delivered, so I can finally ride it to school.

Your old TV has been replaced by a computer.


When I arrived home, the window had been brokenby the wind.


  • When I arrived home,the window had already been broken by the wind.
  • The window had already been broken by the wind when I arrived home.

My proposal has been rejected.


  • My proposal has already been rejected.
  • My proposal has been rejected already.
  • My proposal has been rejected.



现在完成时被动语态的结构为某人/某物+has/have(not)+been + done + (by某人/某物)。


He has repaired the machine twice this week.(主动语态)

The machine has been repaired twice this week. (被动语态)


The books have been borrowed by someone.

The books have not been borrowed by anyone.



They had locked the door before they left.(主动语态)

The door had been locked before they left.(被动语态)

过去完成时的被动语态表示过去某一时间以前已经被完成的动作,常与by,before 等引导的时间状语连用。比如:

The car had been repaired by the time he got there.

The car had not been repaired by the time he got there.



○正确率 85%





过去完成时的肯定形式 (被动语态)+62%62%掌握

  • When I got home that night, I discovered that my TV had been turned on.
  • I went in and found that the tap had been turned on and the water was running.
  • How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended?

现在完成时的肯定形式 (被动语态)+6%26% 掌握

  • I named him Michael, and he has been loved by me since then.
  • The computer has been used for many years.
  • Many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.

现在完成时的否定形式 (被动语态)+40%40%掌握

  • Actually, his new book has not been published yet.
  • My bike is broken, and it has not been repaired yet.

Tuesday · Jul 23 Henry Xu刚刚在「懂你英语A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 80天 今天学习时长 72分 排名超过 95%的同学

Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent.

Tuesday|Jul.23Henry Xu

81天 已达标 4508分 已学习 72分 今日学习

When pigs fly 猪飞起来了?表示的是你这个大骗子!要是你说的是真的,怕是猪都能飞起来!


19 分钟 219 经验值




To live forever has been in everlasting dreams of human beings.

Something everlasting can last forever or a very long time.

Roses are a symbol of everlasting love.

The Sun is an everlasting source of energy.

Their friendship is everlasting.

With longer life expecting, we will be no longer be near fleeting physical to the earth.

Something fleeting lasts only a short time.

We paid a fleeting visit to New York.

We only had a fleeting glance of the whale during the whale watching trip.

His fleeting crash .

On their wedding they took a vow of love everlasting . However, the happy days were fleeting They ended up in divorce within a year.

We paid a fleeting visit to the museum and rushed back home before it started to rain.

The mountain appears white all the year round covered by the everlasting snow that won’t melt.

To vanish means to disappear suddenly or stop existing.

The magician vanished without a trace.

The thought of becoming a Hollywood star eventually vanished from his mind.

My wallet just vanished from my pocket!

Maybe being in a mortal won’t be impossible mission in the future.

Someone immortal lives forever and never dies.

In folks stories, the phoenix is said to be immortal.

His immortal words inspired a generation.

Vampires are immortal since they can’t be killed.

How did he feel after he began his presentation?
Not nervous at all.

When hitting his lowest point after achieving huge success, he suddenly realized the fleeting nature of fame and fortune.

This ancient civilization has vanished for thousands of years, but the historical legacy it left is everlasting.

Keep looking! The thief didn’t just vanish into thin air.

No one is immortal. Everyone has their time.

A lot of traditional industries may vanish one day due to the development of technology.

The so-called immortal vampire vanished after accidentally eating garlic.

The book talks about pursuing everlasting happiness instead of fleeting enjoyment in life.

It’s been an everlasting debate among philosophers whether the soul of human is immortal

I wondered how the magician vanished in the fleeting moment.

The smile vanished from her face after she saw the mess her children made.

For one short moment, I considered quitting my job.

I can’t find my phone anywhere. It just vanished into thin air.

God is believed to be immortal.

We mortals are all going to vanish some day.

I’m touched by their the everlasting friendship.

There is no everlasting business success.

He wanted to be immortal and live forever.


To live forever has been an everlasting dream of human beings. In science fiction, it is possible to store our memories and characters on computer hard drives. In this way, our lives can be prolonged since our souls can still exist after our bodies vanish . With longer life expectancies, we will no longer be mere fleeting visitors to the Earth. Maybe being immortal won’t be an impossible mission in the future.

To live forever has been an everlasting dream of human beings.
永生一直是人类一个 永恒的 梦想。

In science fiction, it is possible to store our memories and characters on computer hard drives.
在科幻小说中,可以将我们的记忆和性格 存储 在电脑硬盘上。

In this way, our lives can be prolonged since our souls can still exist after our bodies vanish.

这样一来,我们的生命可以被 延长 ,因为在我们的身体 消失 之后,灵魂仍然可以存在。

With longer life expectancies, we will no longer be mere fleeting visitors to the Earth.

随着寿命的延长,我们将不再只是地球上的 短暂的 访客。

Maybe being immortal won’t be an impossible mission in the future.

也许在未来,成为 不朽的 将不会是一个不可能的任务。


正确率 88%
今日学习 69/30分钟


  • everlasting adjective 永久的;永恒的
  • fleeting adjective 短暂的;迅速的
  • vanish verb(尤指突然)消失,灭绝
  • immortal adjective 永生的;永存的

Wednesday ·Jul 24 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 81天 今天学习 69 分 时长排名超过 94%的同学

You can’t move on until you let go of the past.

Wednesday | Jul. 24 Henry Xu

82天 已达标 4577分 已学习 69分 今日学习


是的。Busybody 可不是“大忙人”!他们成天闲着没事干,到处八卦管闲事。其实 busybody 一点都不 busy !


5分钟 15 经验值 词汇精炼课








initially/l’nrjali/adverb 最初,一开始



Vampires are immortal since they can’t be killed.

Initially, her book was rejected by several publishers.

The eternal arguments between her parents have made the little girl’s life unbearable.

That building has long outlived its usefulness.

His fleeting crush on her faded away quickly.

He initially wanted to go to medical school, but now he is studying business management.

This view of the ocean is breathtaking.

This book shows how to make the process of cooking more efficient.

I can’t see why some people believe that eternal youth counts more than wisdom and experience.


immortal adjective永生的;永存的

reject verb拒绝接受;拒收;不录用;不相信

speed (sth) up(使)加速;提高(.的)速度

fleeting adjective短暂的;迅速的

count verb有价值;很重要;要紧


20 分钟 190经验值



Oh, there’s a duty-free store. Let’s do some shopping before boarding.

Good idea! What would you like to buy?

Well, I remember my anti-aging cream has run out.

Wait! You’re using anti-aging products? You’re only in your twenties!

It’s said that our skin begins to age when we enter our twenties. I strongly believe that the earlier I start to use anti-aging products, the later lines will show on my face.

I honestly feel that aging is a normal process. I don’t think it’s so unbearable.

I know what you’re going to say: only inner beauty is everlasting and immortal. Why can’t I have both outer beauty and inner beauty?

I’m not sure it’s possible to stop aging, but I’m absolutely certain that if you don’t pay for your outer-beauty-cream now, we’ll be late for boarding.


Why was Jane surprised when hearing Rebecca was using anti-aging cream?
She thought Rebecca was too young for anti-aging products.

Why did Rebecca start to use anti-aging product so early?
One’s skin begins to age when she enters her twenties.
She wanted the lines to show on her face later.

What was Jane’s attitude towards Rebecca’s opinion?
She thought aging was a natural process.
She thought aging was not that unbearable.

a duty-free store

Duty-free 作形容词表示”(商品)免税的”,a duty-free store 或 a duty-free shop 指在机场或船上等地点的免税商店。

Only inner beauty is everlasting and immortal.



  • I honestly feel that…坦诚说,我认为…
  • I strongly believe that..我坚信……
  • I’m convinced that…我确信
  • I’m absolutely certain that..我完全确定

表达坚定的看法 (1)

在表达个人坚定的看法时,我们可以使用 l honestly feel that…和 I strongly believe that…这两个句型。在这里,honestly和strongly这两个副词起到了加强语气的作用,会比I think../ln my opinion…等表达个人观点的句型更能体现说话人坚定的态度。其中,that可省略。例如:

I strongly believe (that) the earlier I start to use anti-aging products, the later lines will show on my face.

I honestly feel (that) aging is a normal process. I don’t think it’s so unbearable.

It’s said that our skin begins to age when we enter our twenties. I strongly believe that the earlier lstart to use anti-aging products, the later lines will show on my face.


在这里,Rebecca 用 I strongly believe that..这个句型强调了她坚信抗衰老产品的功效,比单纯使用 I believe…的语气更加坚定。

I honestly feel that aging is a normal process. I don’t think it’s so unbearable.


Jane 用 I honestly feel that..这个句型表达了自己坚定地认为衰老是一个正常的过程,以此来劝说Rebecca不要过于在意衰老的问题。

He strongly believes that all men created equal.

I honestly feel that you should go to the hospital.

I strongly believe that this event is not simple an accident.

I honestly feel that the college I applied would reject my application.

I strongly believes what he spent a great amount of money on are gems instead of stones.

I honestly feel that you’re the one who should get promoted


Well, I strongly believe that children should make choices for themselves.


我们还可以用 I’m convinced that…和 I’m absolutely certain that…来表达坚定的看法。前前者表示”我确信..”,后者中的certain已经含有确定的意思,而加上副词absolutely则表示”我绝对确定…”。这两个句型中的that同样可省略。例如:

  • I’m absolutely certain (that) if you don’t pay for your cream now, we’ll be late for boarding.我绝对确信如果你现在不付掉面霜的钱,我们会来不及登机。
  • I’m convinced(that)you’re lying!我确信你在撒谎!

I’m absolutely certain that if you don’t pay for your cream now, we’ll be late for boarding.


在这个情景中,由于登机时间临近了,Jane 用 I’m absolutely certain that…来表示她绝对确定如果Rebecca再不付钱的话,她们会误机。

Why can’t you trust me?
Because I’m convinced that you’re lying!


在这里,女生用 I’m convinced that…这个句型来体现自己态度的坚决,以此表达她确信对方在撒谎。

I’m absolutely certain that you’ll get well soon.

He is absolutely certain that there’s no such thing as ghosts.

Although she had strong motivation to commit the crime, he was convinced that she was innocent.

I’m convinced that she will say yes to your proposal.

I’m convinced that it happens because the weather is cold

My boss was mad at me today. I’m absolutely certain that I’ll be fired.

I’m convinced that the next one is coming in 5 minutes.




  • I honestly feel that..
  • I strongly believe that..
  • I’m convinced that…
  • I’m absolutely certain that..


I strongly believe that more sustainable energy will be utilized in daily life in the near future.

I’m absolutely certain that if their company keeps running like this without any changes, it will go bankrupt soon.

I honestly feel that this knife is too blunt for you to keep using it.

That’s great! I honestly feel you’ve made the right decision.

I’m convinced that our flight will be delayed based on the weather.

I’m absolutely certain that I gave you the right address.

I like it! I strongly believe that you’ll become a writer.

I did. I’m absolutely certain that I remembered to take my umbrella with me this morning . I probably forgot it somewhere in the campus.




Thursday · Jul 25 Henry Xu刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡+

累计打卡 82天 今天学习 82分 时长排名超过 97%的同学

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.

83天 已达标 4658分 已学习 82分 今日学习

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.


8分钟 22 经验值


38 天前你第一次学习这课,共学习了1次,还未练习过。下面通过练习题来检验下自己的学习成果吧。




Can use ‘be due to’ and, more formally, ‘be to’ talk about things that are scheduled or expected.

Money will probably be spent on .
electricity and water supplies
building highways and bridges

It means that he .
doesn’t look like a nice person
is not likely to hurt others on purpose

It means that the differences are hard to notice.

It means that she is already gone.

It means that it’s in fact hard to be a vlogger.

The new medicine seems to have a significant effect on this disease.

The film didn’t explain the motivation of the villain.

She will have to face reality sooner or later.

I’m not a big fan of it. I think it’ll do more harm than good.

I really like this apartment , but the reality is that I can’t afford it.

The storm damaged the infrastructure in that area.

Anyway, we should had to the theater. The movie is due to start in thirty minutes.

I am sorry If l upset you, I didn’t mean any harm.

The new medicine seems to have a significant effect on this disease.

Many believe money can make significant changes to people’s lives. But in reality money sometimes does more harm than good . Some people may slave away making money, and thus have no time to enjoy life.






significant adjective 重要的;显著的


be to 谈论日程安排

The movie is due to start in thirty minutes.


19 分钟 177经验值





I feel like my time is going by so fast. Three years now is the same as one year in childhood.

I wish I could live forever.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Since ancient times, emperors have been spending their whole lives looking for immortality pills.

Having eternal life seems to be the be-all and end-all.

But even with today’s technology, that’s stillimpossible.

Since we can’t turn back the clock, it’s essential that we figure out how to live a good life.

It’s true. Our life span is limited. But how we really perceive it can be controlled.

Like, try a few new exciting things.

Good point! That kind of experience usually leaves us with longer memories.

And having a healthy lifestyle also has some thing to do with longevity.

I heard a centenarian talk about the secrets of long life.

There are four things that play avital role in longevity. They are food, exercise, rest, and attitude.

Well, I guess I need to improve all those aspects, especially exercise.

You know what? For every hour you exercise, you’ll live three hours longer.

What? I’m going to get up and move right now.


Why did the emperors in ancient times look for immortality pills?
They wanted to have eternal life.
In order to increase their life expectancy.

According to Linda and Allen, what can leave us with longer memories?
Travel to a country you’ve never been to.
Try a new kind of sport.

What does Linda need to improve the most in order to live longer?

immortality pill 长生不老药
lifespan 寿命
eternal life 永生
longevity 长寿
centenarian 百岁老人

The search for the immortality pill started several centuries BC.

Lifespan is the length of time for which a person,animal, or thing exists.

Eternal life is life than never ends.

A centenarian is a person who has reached the age of 100 years.



  • play a vital role
  • It is essential that
  • the be-all and end-all

Education plays a vital role in the development of a country.


play a vital role 表示起到重要作用

It is essential that your diet is varied and balanced.


It is essential that后接从句表示某事是必要的

I once thought that getting into college was the be-all and end-all of my life.


the be-all and end-all 表示全部或最重要的事

Technology plays a vital role in speeding up manufacturing.

While money is important, it is not the be-all and end-all of happiness.

Don’t stress too much about this exam. It’s not the be-all and end-all of your academic career.

It is essential that we have a check-up once a year.

Before getting a pet, it is essential that you choose the right breed for your family.




  • couldn’t care less
  • a drop in the ocean
  • small change

I couldn’t care less about fashion. I wear clothes I feel comfortable in.


couldn’t care less 表示对某事或某人毫不在乎

If something is a drop in the ocean, it is a very small amount which is unimportant.


a drop in the ocean 表示沧海一粟
另一种说法是 a drop in the bucket

Small change is something that is not considered to be expensive or important.


small change有两种含义

Some parents couldn’t care less if their children are happy or not.

I only have a fever so my health problems are small change compared with his broken leg.

We couldn’t care less about who does the job, so long as someone gets it done.

Six hundred new schools are to be built,but this is just a drop in the ocean for such a big country.

He spent ten thousand on a vase, but that’s just small change to him.

The fifty dollars he gave me yesterday is just a drop in the ocean compared to what he still owes.



  • play a vital role
  • It is essential that
  • the be-all and end-all
  • couldn’t care less
  • a drop in the ocean
  • small change


Oh, you’re so hard on me. You couldn’t care less about me. Work, work, work.

Tourism plays a vital role in the economy of some countries.

Winning isn’t the be-all and end-all for some athlete heading to the Olympics.

My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean, they won’t change the plan.

It is essential that teenagers get enough rest.

Very small changes makes the biggest difference.




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Friday · Jul 26 Henry Xu刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 83天 今天学习 81分 时长排名超过 97%的同学

You can’t move on until you let go of the past.

84天 已达标 4740分 已学习 81分 今日学习

No one can deprive our free will.


6分钟 18 经验值 练习课





Her childhood experiences resonate powerfully with me.

The debate turned the tables, so now he’s the main candidate for mayor.

Even in difficult situations, Sarah has a heart of gold.

She is something of a maverick in the school, often acting differently from the usual way.

A woman with a heart of gold offered him some food.

The villain had to face the music when the superhero caught him.

I am sure she is a diamond in the rough.

Jake’s honesty makes him straight as an arrow in his relationships.

He seemed a bit clumsy at first, but after practice, I realized he’s a diamond in the rough.

Don’t worry, I found this awesome cheat sheet online and it will help us turn the tables on this quiz.

Yeah, but I think we can turn the tables on them and surprise everyone.


Just when it seemed hopeless, we turned the tables.


Yeah, but I talked to him during lunch. He’s like a diamond in the rough.

Captain Solar is a real goody-goody, though.

He never steps out of line.

Well, I like my heroes with a heart of gold.

Fair enough.




Turtles often outlive humans. Some can live up to 200 years. People see turtles as a sign of immortal life.

We must work harder. Every minute counts.

I had to deal with the unbearable pain in my sprained ankle.

I love the fleeting beauty of autumn.






  • immortal★
    adjective 永生的;永存的;不朽的,流芳百世的
  • outlive
    verb 比..活得长;比..续时间长·


  • everlasting★
    adjective 永久的;永恒的
  • eternal★
    adjective 永远的,永恒的;长期的
  • fleeting★
  • vanish★
  • unbearable
    adjective 无法忍受的
  • count

I strongly believe·


We must work harder every minute counts

I love the fleeting beauty of autumn

Her eternal spirit lives on.

His fame vanished soon after he quit acting.


【流利说英语】05-14 今生与永生-你将学习关于生命意义的哲学讨论。