【流利说英语】05-15 电影-导演工作以及电影话题相关的表达



12分钟 63 经验值 新课程


本期的 Eric’s Hour 采访的是著名导演 Steven Aarons。



Please welcome our next guest, the director, Stephen Aarons.
Thank you, Eric.
It’s great to be here.
Your most famous movie, Fangs, came out in 1995.
To this day, I still get frightened every time I watch it.
Well, that’s great.
So many of your films are like that.
You can watch them over and over again because they are original and timeless.
What inspires you?
Imagining life in the past inspires me.
Can you tell us more about that?
Yes,after I had been studying film for a few years, I began looking at my family’s history.
I would imagine my great-grandparents’ lives, where they lived, what they ate, how they laughed, and how they cried.
And your films let moviegoers experience these powerful times in the past, like your most recent movie about World War II, for example.
Yes, making that film was particularly meaningful for me.
Why is that?
It was a way to honor my family.
I had not even been thinking about making a film about that subject, but I felt inspired by my family history.
Do you think you will ever stop making films?
I had actually been considering retirement, but an agent recently sent me a great script that I couldn’t turn down.
Well, that’s good news for me and all of your fans.

A: Please welcome our next guest, the director, Stephen Aarons.
B: Thank you, Eric. It’s great to be here.
A: Your most famous movie, Fangs, came out in 1995. To this day, I still get frightened every time I watch it.
B: Well, that’s great.
A: So many of your films are like that. You can watch them over and over again because they are original and timeless. What inspires you?
B: Imagining life in the past inspires me.
A: Can you tell us more about that?
B: Yes, after I had been studying film for a few years, I began looking at my family’s history. I would imagine my great-grandparents’ lives, where they lived, what they ate, how they laughed, and how they cried.
A: And your films let moviegoers experience these powerful times in the past, like your most recent movie about World War II, for example.
B: Yes, making that film was particularly meaningful for me.
A: Why is that?
B: It was a way to honor my family. I had not even been thinking about making a film about that subject, but I felt inspired by my family history.
A: Do you think you will ever stop making films?
B: I had actually been considering retirement, but an agent recently sent me a great script that I couldn’t turn down.
A: Well, that’s good news for me and all of your fans.


A: Please welcome our next guest, the director, Stephen Aarons.
A: 请欢迎我们的下一位嘉宾,导演斯蒂芬·阿伦斯。

B: Thank you, Eric. It’s great to be here.
B: 谢谢你,埃里克。我很高兴来到这里。

A: Your most famous movie,Fangs, came out in 1995. To this day, I still get frightened every time I watch it.
A: 你最著名的电影《獠牙》在1995年上映。直到今天,每次我看这部电影时还是会感到害怕。

B: Well, that’s great.
B: 那太好了。

A: So many of your films are like that. You can watch them over and over again because they are original and timeless. What inspires you?
A: 你的许多电影都是这样。它们可以一遍又一遍地观看,因为它们原创且永恒。是什么激励了你?

B: Imagining life in the past inspires me.
B: 想象过去的生活激励了我。

A: Can you tell us more about that?
A: 你能多说一点吗?

B: Yes, after I had been studying film for a few years, I began looking at my family’s history. I would imagine my great-grandparents’ lives, where they lived, what they ate, how they laughed, and how they cried.
B: 是的,在学习电影几年后,我开始研究我家族的历史。我会想象我的曾祖父母的生活,他们住在哪里,吃什么,他们如何欢笑和哭泣。

A: And your films let moviegoers experience these powerful times in the past, like your most recent movie about World War II, for example.
A: 你的电影让观众体验到了这些过去的强大时代,比如你最近的一部关于二战的电影。

B: Yes, making that film was particularly meaningful for me.
B: 是的,制作那部电影对我来说特别有意义。

A: Why is that?
A: 为什么?

B: It was a way to honor my family. I had not even been thinking about making a film about that subject, but I felt inspired by my family history.
B: 这是对我家族的一种致敬。我原本没有打算拍关于那个主题的电影,但我受到了家族历史的启发。

A: Do you think you will ever stop making films?
A: 你认为你会停止拍电影吗?

B: I had actually been considering retirement, but an agent recently sent me a great script that I couldn’t turn down.
B: 我确实考虑过退休,但最近一位经纪人给我发来了一部很棒的剧本,我无法拒绝。

A: Well, that’s good news for me and all of your fans.
A: 那对我和你的所有粉丝来说是个好消息。

Imagining life in the past inspires him when he is making films.

His films let moviegoers experience powerful times in the past

Yes, making that film was particularly meaningful for me.

I had not even been thinking about making a film about that subject, but I felt inspired by my family history.



  • script noun电影剧本;剧本;广播稿;讲话稿
  • to this day到现在,直到今天
  • honor noun, verb( honour 的美式拼写)
  • meaningful adjective有用的;有意义的
  • original adjective 独创的,有创意的,新颖的
  • retirement noun退休;退职;退役

Saturday · Jul 27 Henry Xu刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 84天 今天学习 61分 时长排名超过 92%的同学

Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent.

85天 4802分 61分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.


5分钟 29 经验值 词汇精炼课


为你准备了 script, retirement, original…等8个近期学习词汇的巩固练习,相关习题的平均正确率为94%。利用好遗忘曲线,及时复习,能达到事半功倍的效果哦。



script/skript/noun 电影剧本;剧本;广播稿verb 为(电影、戏剧、广播或演讲等)写稿

retirement/ri’taiarmant/noun 退休;退职;退役

original/a’rid3anl/adjective 起初的,原先的,最早的;原作的,真迹的,非品的;独创的,有创意的,新颖的noun 原版,原件,原稿;原作,真迹,真品

meaningful/‘mi:ninfl/adjective 富有意义的,意味深长的;有用的;有意义的

honor/‘a:nar/noun, verb (honour的美式拼写)


appreciate/a’pri:jiert/verb 理解,领会;意识到;涨价

He wrote the script for this movie.

This is professor Smith’s last math class. His retirement begins tomorrow.

To this day, the company still teaches English in its app.

Despite receiving an appealing offer, she decided to turn down the opportunity to write another script after her retirement.

My grandparents will travel after their retirement.

This picture of my grandmother is very meaningful to me.

To this day, she still remembers how her husband proposed to her.

In her new book, she honored many scientists.

His talents are fully appreciated in his company.

The school held a meaningful ceremony to honor the powerful influence of their beloved teacher.

I can’t see why some people believe that eternal youth counts more than wisdom and experience.



复习重点单词3 个

  • original adjective 起初的,原先的,最早的

  • subtitles(电影或电视节目的)字幕

  • count verb有价值;很重要;要紧


25 分钟 194 经验值


本期的 Eric’s Hour 采访的是著名导演 Steven Aarons。



To this day means up until today and including today.

To this day, I still remember my first teacher.

To this day,the 80-year-old writer still keeps writing books.

Something original is new and different. This artist’s original work is worth a lot of money.

Many of his movies are quite original . That’s why he has so many fans.

Picasso’s paintings are considered to be original.

She is a talented singer who has also written many original songs.

Something timeless never changes. Every generation reads his books; his writing is timeless.

Beethoven’s music is considered timeless . People of different ages like his music very much.

Although it was built long ago, Buckingham Palace’s beauty is timeless.

None of his books can be called timeless. They were only popular for a short time.

Something that’s powerful has a big effect on you. The most powerful part of the movie was when the boy saved the village.

He is an excellent motivational speaker. His speeches are always very powerful.

This powerful drug has helped with my back pain.

Something meaningful is important to you.

That song was so meaningful to the singer that she cried when she sang it.

If you want to live a meaningful life, you must find what you really love doing.

This picture of my grandmother is very meaningful to me.

The movie is quite meaningful because it encourages us to protect the environment.

When you honor someone, you show respect to him or her.

In her speech, she honored her grandmother’s life.

The Queen honored them with a dinner at Buckingham Palace.

In her new book, she honored many scientists.

The school held a meaningful ceremony to honor the powerful influence of their beloved teacher.

Retirement means to stop working, usually when you are older.

China’s retirement age for men is 60 years old.

This is professor Smith’s last math class. His retirement begins tomorrow.

My grandparents will travel after their retirement.

They held a party to celebrate her retirement.

The script is the words of a movie, play, or speech.

Famous actors usually get to read movie scripts first.

He wrote the script for this movie.

The movie’s script is both exciting and interesting.

To turn down means to say no, or refuse to do something.

They offered him the job, but he turned it down.

He invited her to the party, but she turned the invitation down.

She turned down her boyfriend’s proposal.

How could you turn down such a great job offer?

She turned down a job with a lot of late-night hours.

Despite receiving an appealing offer, she decided to turn down the opportunity to write another script after her retirement.

Past Perfect Continuous

had been+present participle.

Past Perfect Continuous Negative

had + not +been + present participle



The air conditioner had not been working for a few days when the hot weather started.

Steve hadn’t been studying Chinese very long when he passed his first language test.

He hadn’t been practicing the piano very long when he joined the competition.

She hadn’t been thinking about studying business management before she worked in the hotel.

He hadn’t been working long at his s desk when he s suddenly felt better.

They hadn’t been dating for long when they broke up.

Dana hadn’t been driving for long when she realized she went the wrong way.

Time Conjunction Examples:
as soon as



You can use time conjunctions like once, after and before to tell something happens.

After she had been****cooking for a few hours, she decided to order food.

After Kelly had been****swimming all afternoon, she ordered a large pizza for dinner.

Before Steve had been****working for two years, he got a big raise and a promotion.

I had been working at the company for 3 years when I decided to go back to college.

She had been eating unhealthy food before she attended the seminar.

After we had been exercising for hours, we decided to get a drink and take a rest.

He had been hoping to meet her as soon as his flight landed.

He had been living in his hometown for 30 years when he decided to move to another city.

When the meeting finally started, the team had been discussing the project details for over an hour.



turn sth/sb down

Sunday· Jul 28 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过 85天 92 分 100%的同学

You can overcome anything, if you love something enough.

6天 4894分 92分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

Do the things you want todo.


6分钟 10 经验值 错题集



He strongly believes that all men are created equal.

The film didn’t explain the motivation of the villain.

I’m not a big fan of it. I think it’ll do more harm than good.

Many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.

His computer has been used for many years. I suggest that you buy a new one.

The so-called immortal vampire vanished after accidentally eating garlic.

How many buildings __had been destroyed__when the earthquake ended?

Actually, his new book has not been published yet.

Yes, they said it had been stolen by a short fat man this morning

To live forever has been an everlasting dream of human beings. In science fiction, it is possible to store our memories and characters on computer hard drives. In this way, our lives can be prolonged since our souls can still exist after our bodies vanish . With longer life expectancies, we will no longer be mere fleeting visitors to the Earth. Maybe being immortal won’t be an impossible mission in the future.



  • How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended?
  • When they got to the school, the classroom had been cleaned.
  • Yes, they said it had been stolen by a short fat man this morning.


  • Many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.
  • The computer has been used for many years.


  • Actually, his new book has not been published yet.


19分钟 154经验值 新课程







We can now listen to and download songs on that online music platform.

Nowadays, we can stream music or videos directly online instead of downloading them to watch later.

I am so excited that my favorite movie is on streaming now! I am going to watch it this weekend!

He is in front of the TV, waiting for the live stream of the soccer game.

Youtube is an example of an online video platform. Which word has the closest meaning to “platform”? website

What can’t be streamed? photographs

Since the release of the new season, many people love streaming their favorite shows during their free time.

Why can’t this song be streamed? Because the song is not available on this platform.

You can reach a live audience by taking advantage of live streaming.

My favorite TV show is now on streaming on that platform. But I’m too busy to watch it this week. What a bummer!

Many people prefer to stream their favorite shows on a popular platform while others enjoy watching live streams of events in real-time.

Can you believe that they spent ten hours binge-watching the entire first season of that TV show yesterday?

He binge-watched the movie one time in the cinema.

I am charged 10 dollars every month for the subscription to that music platform.

to cancel the subscription

The live stream you are watching is happening right now.

It takes two minutes to stream the video.

He is waiting for the live stream of that volleyball match.

Don’t forget to cancel your subscription.

Which one is not necessary in order to stream a TV show on a platform?
a video lover

Some people spend all day binge-watching a TV series. What does “binge-watching”mean?Watching a lot of TV all at once.

What might this sentence mean? She likes that TV show very much.

What does “subscription“ mean? 订阅

He spent the whole weekend binge-watching Star Wars.

She got a new subscription and immediately started to binge-watch the latest series.

His concert is on live stream right now, so everyone can watch it after registering for that platform.

This music platform provides music videos, but no music.

The live stream you are watching is happening right now.

Thanks to technology, we now have numerous video-streaming platforms.

What is something you will not get after buying a subscription to a music-streaming platform? free concerts

He is switching platforms to watch the football live stream to see which one has the best connection.

It takes two minutes to stream the video.


It’s so convenient that we can now stream movies at any time on that video platform!

We are planning to binge-watch The Lord of the Rings

I spend too much money on my monthly music and video subscriptions.

Don’t forget to cancel your subscription!

She is binge-watching her favorite romantic movie series.

With her new subscription, she can binge-watch shows on the streaming platform and also enjoy live streams.



正确率91% 听原音0次录音14次


  • stream verb 在线收听(或收看)
  • streaming noun(音频或视频的)流动式接收,在线收听(或收看)
  • platform noun平台(指使用的计算机系统和软件)
  • binge-watch verb连续观看电视节目,刷剧
  • subscription noun订阅费,订购款;服务费

Monday·Jul29 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
86天 47分 86%的同学

Do the things you want to do.

87天 4942分 47分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

It is not length of life, but depth of life.


3分钟 8经验值 练习课





When I was in high school…..I used to study really hard to pass exams.

I would go to concerts every month when I was in Edinburgh.

The men used to grow out their beards, and everybody had long, long hair.

People would drive around in colorful VW buses that they painted themselves.

I would go hiking when I was in middle school. This means….used to go hiking.

Every Saturday, I would go to a café to read some books.你也可以说..
Every Saturday, I used to go to a café to read some books.

And oh, the music! We would sing and play guitar all day long


6分钟 8经验值 练习课






rest,all of a sudden

You had appeared eager to meet the new team, but currently, it seems you’re anxious about the introduction.

We had believed you were excited about our newmodel, but now you seem to have a change of heart.

Why are you upset?
I’d thought I was going to receive a gift, but I only got a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from my boyfriend.

All of a sudden I feel a temptation to just stay home. I’m not sure if I am good enough for that job. I’d thought you were excited for this job, but now you sound like you don’t want it.

Rest assured. If you work hard, you won’t have any trouble.

Really? You’re quitting all of a sudden? Can you tell me why?

You had seemed ready to adopt a new lifestyle, yet now, you’re behaving as if you question the change.

You had seemed thrilled about the trip abroad, but now you sound like you want to cancel it.

Why did you stop working out?
Well, I had planned to keep working out, but I became really busy and too tired after work.

I had always liked that actress, but then she stopped acting.


15分钟 82经验值 新课程





A: I can’t believe that you are a moviegoer just like me. So who is your favorite director of all time?
B: It’s got to be Hitchcock. Nobody had started making scary movies until he did.
A: Definitely one of the masters. For me, it’s Miyazaki. I feel like I hadn’t been living until I saw Princess Mononoke.
B: Oh, yeah. I hadn’t been thinking of animated films. And there are so many more. Scorsese, Spielberg, Kurosawa?
A: Uh-oh. I had been planning on leaving half an hour ago. We had been having such a good conversation that I lost track of time.


A: I can’t believe that you are a moviegoer just like me. So who is your favorite director of all time?
A: 我真不敢相信你和我一样也是个影迷。那么你最喜欢的导演是谁?

B: It’s got to be Hitchcock. Nobody had started making scary movies until he did.
B: 一定是希区柯克。在他之前,没有人开始拍恐怖电影。

A: Definitely one of the masters. For me, it’s Miyazaki. I feel like I hadn’t been living until I saw Princess Mononoke.
A: 绝对是大师之一。对我来说,是宫崎骏。在我看到《幽灵公主》之前,我觉得我都没有真正活过。

B: Oh, yeah. I hadn’t been thinking of animated films. And there are so many more. Scorsese, Spielberg, Kurosawa?
B: 哦,对,我还没想到动画电影。还有那么多其他的,比如斯科塞斯,斯皮尔伯格,黑泽明?

A: Uh-oh. I had been planning on leaving half an hour ago. We had been having such a good conversation that I lost track of time.
A: 哦哦,我原本计划半小时前就要离开了。我们聊得太愉快了,我都忘记时间了。

I had not been feeling well this morning. This means:
I feel better now than this morning.

We had not been using the best tools for the job.

I had not been working on this project until January.
Before January I was not working on the project.
I started the project in January.

He felt a great sense of accomplishment because he had been training for the marathon for months.

I had been trying to reach you, but your phone was off!

We hadn’t been paying attention to the time, so we missed the train.

We had been chatting online for hours before we agreed to meet.

By the time the concert started, we had been standing in line for over two hours.

I had been saving money for years before I finally bought my first car.

Which option correctly uses the negative form of the past perfect continuous tense?
I hadn’t been feeling well for weeks before I finally went to see a doctor.

Which option correctly uses the past perfect continuous tense?
She had been studying Spanish for two years before she moved to Spain.

The team hadn’t been rehearsing the scenes for weeks before the actual shooting****began.

By the time the funding was secured, the team had been preparing for the movie production for over a year.

She had been acting in small roles for years before she got a lead role.

By the time we arrived they had been waiting for almost an hour.

He hadn’t been exercising regularly before his doctor asked him to.

You had been studying very hard, so you deserved a good grade.

They had been watching a movie for two hours when the power cut out.

I hadn’t been thinking of animated films until just now.
I had forgotten about animated films until just now.
Now, I’m thinking of animated films.

He had been watching old movies before he decided to make his own.

He had been binge-watching his favorite series for days when he realized he missed an important meeting.




Tuesday · Jul 30 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
87天 44分 85%的同学

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

88天 4986分 44分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead.


1分钟 3 经验值


语法点“be about to表将来”专项练习,你最近有1道错题与该语法点相关,当前语法点掌握程度为85%

You are not going to believe what I’m about to tell you.

Hey Mike! I’m about to have lunch. Would you like to join?

Hurry up! The bus __.
is going to leave soon
is about to leave


be about to 表将来13%72%掌握

  • You are not going to believe what I’m about to tell you.
  • The bus is about to leave.
  • I’m about to go to the cafe.

be about to表临近的将来-13%72%掌握

  • I’m about to have lunch.
  • You are not going to believe what I’m about to tell you.
  • The bus is about to leave.


15分钟 23 经验值





A: I can’t believe that you are a moviegoer just like me. So who is your favorite director of all time?
B: It’s got to be Hitchcock. Nobody had started making scary movies until he did.
A: Definitely one of the masters. For me, it’s Miyazaki. I feel like I hadn’t been living until I saw Princess Mononoke.
B: Oh, yeah. I hadn’t been thinking of animated films. And there are so many more. Scorsese, Spielberg, Kurosawa?
A: Uh-oh. I had been planning on leaving half an hour ago. We had been having such a good conversation that I lost track of time.

I had not been feeling well this morning. This means:
I feel better now than this morning.

We had not been using the best tools for the job.

I had not been working on this project until January.
Before January I was not working on the project.
I started the project in January.

We hadn’t been paying attention to the time, so we missed the train.

Anyway, we should had to the theater, the movie is duo to start thirty minutes

Anyway, we should head to the theater. The movie is due to start in thirty minutes.

I’m sorry if I upset you, I didn’t mean any harm.
I’m sorry if I upset you. I didn’t mean any harm.

The new medicine seems to have a significant effect on this disease.
The new medicine seems to have a significant effect on this disease.

Money will probably be spent on building highways and bridgeselectricity and water supplies

All of a sudden I feel a temptation to just stay home. I’m not sure if I am good enough for that job.
I’d thought you were excited for this job, but now you sound like you don’t want it.

Rest assured. If you work hard, you won’t have any trouble.

You had seemed ready to adopt a new lifestyle, yet now, you’re behaving as if you question the change.

Every Saturday, I would go to a café to read some books.你也可以说..
Every Saturday, I used to go to a café to read some books.

He hadn’t been practicing the piano very long when he joined the competition.

She’s written the script for several popular movies.

It’s so convenient that we can now stream movies at any time on that video platform!

Money will probably be spent on __.
building highways and bridges
electricity and water supplies

Wednesday · Jul 31 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
88天 32分 78%的同学

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

89天 5019分 32分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.


18分钟 152 经验值




subtitles, translation, original…等

She can’t understand him because he speaks a foreign language.

These foreign films are shot in India, so the actors and actresses are from that foreign country.

watching a foreign film

The characters talked so fast, so he had to read the subtitles at the bottom of the film.

Subtitles 这个词的前缀是sub-,表示 below,

He couldn’t understand what the character said in that foreign film, so he turned on the Chinese subtitles.

The English translation for “baba” is “father”.

They are dubbing an American film into Chinese.

A foreign film is a film that is from another country.

If he is French, which country’s films does he probably like?China

They decided to watch a foreign film to practice their language skills.

What does “subtitles”mean? 字幕

What kind of movie is most likely to have subtitles? foreign films

I always turn on the subtitles when watching foreign films.

As her friend, what might be your response?
Have you turned on the Chinese subtitles?

What can you guess about this man?
The man knows at least two languages.

Sometimes the translation in the subtitles of foreign movies adds a lot to the understanding ofthe story.

Foreign customers can look at the menu’s English translation to know the ingredients of this course.

I like the translation of that film’s subtitles. The yare very poetic.

To dub means to change the sound and speech on a film or television program, especially to another language.

This is the original version of that American film. All the characters are talking in English, not Chinese.

Which one might be changed?
the language of the film

You don’t need to read the subtitles. The studio hired several voice actors to dub the film into different languages.

Since no one in this country understands the language spoken in that film, there is a need to dub it.

Looking at the picture, what’s the difference between the original version and this version?
The film is dubbed.

Instead of dubbing the film, the company chose to use her translation of the subtitles.

Many people like the original version of foreign films because the characters sound more natural

Which one is NOT necessary in order to prepare a film for a foreign audience?
To do the translation for the subtitles
To grab some popcorn
To dub the film

Some people find that watching foreign films with subtitles in the original language helps them understand cultural differences better.

I prefer to watch the original version of a movie, but sometimes I watch the dubbed version if the subtitles are too distracting.

Do you want to come over and watch an award-winning foreign film tonight with us?

He depends on the subtitles to understand that film.

He does some translation every week to practice his language skills.

The translation in the subtitles of foreign film is interesting.

They decided to dub the foreign film into Chinese to reach a wider audience.

Don’t forget to do the translation.

He’d rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed in English.

The original version is more popular because fans want to hear that famous actor speak in his own voice.

I prefer the original version of this book.

We can watch many foreign films on this streaming platform.

他的祖父年纪太大,看不清屏幕上的字幕,所以他们选择了那部外国电影的配音版。His grandfather is too old to see the subtitles on the screen, so they chose the dubbed version of that foreign film.




  • subtitles(电影或电视节目的)字幕
  • translation noun(从一种语言到另一种语言的)翻译;译文
  • original adjective起初的,原先的,最早的
  • dub verb(尤指用另一种语言)为(影视节目)配音

Thursday · Aug 1 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡
累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
89天 34分 79%的同学

Do the things you want to do.

90天 5053分 34分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.


4分钟 11 经验值




Hey, did you hear that Matt resigned?

Yeah! I hadn’t heard until Sara told me last night.

Are you sure he wasn’t let go since he had slacked off recently?

Nobody had thought that he would leave, but he did!

I had planned to go visit my family this summer but they came to visit me instead.
I saw my family this summer without needing to travel.
I changed my plans because I didn’t need to travel to see family this summer.

Yeah! I hadn’t heard until Sara told me last night.

We had been miserable at work until our boss left.

What are you doing for the upcoming vacation?
I had wanted to go to Japan but the flight tickets were too expensive.

I hadn’t realized until Julie brought it up in our conversation.

Maybe he had asked for a raise but the company rejected it.


13分钟 91 经验值



I love watching sports on the big screen because the action feels more exciting.

As a regular moviegoer, she always enjoyed the feeling of sinking into the plush velvet seats at her favorite theater.

To this day, movies are popular.
People can now watch movies on their phones at any time and anywhere.
But it wasn’t always this way.
The very first American movie theater opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1905.
For the first time, entire audiences could see the latest original movies from Hollywood shown on a big screen.
At first, moviegoers sat on hard wooden chairs, but then, palace movie theaters opened.
At palace movie theaters, the audience sat on soft velvet seats.
After people had been spending money on food and drinks outside of movie theaters for a long time, the theaters saw an opportunity.
So, the movie theaters then began selling food and drinks too.
What better way to have a meaningful connection with a movie than by watching it in a theater with other moviegoers?
While the way we watch movies may change, the way we enjoy them is timeless.


To this day, movies are popular.

People can now watch movies on their phones, at any time and anywhere, But it wasn’t always this way.

The very first American movie theater opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1905.

For the first time, entire audiences could see the latest original movies from Hollywood shown on a big screen.

At first, moviegoers sat on hard wooden chairs, but then,”palace movie theaters” opened.最初,观众坐在坚硬的木椅子上,但后来宫殿式电影院开业了。

At palace movie theaters, the audience sat on soft, velvet seats.

After people had been spending money on food and drinks outside of movie theaters for a long time, the theaters saw an opportunity.

So, the movie theaters then began selling food and drinks, too.

What better way to have a meaningful connection with a movie than by watching it in a theater with other moviegoers?

While the way we watch movies may change, the way we enjoy them is timeless.

They could sell food and drinks inside the theaters.

People can now watch movies at any time and anywhere.

What was significant about the first American movie theater that opened in 1905?
It allowed entire audiences to see the latest original movies from Hollywood shown on a big screen.

How did “palace movie theaters” differ from the earlier movie theaters?
They had soft, velvet seats.

When and where did the very first American movie theater open?
The very first American movie theater opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,in 1905.

The way we watch movies may change, but the way we enjoy them is timeless.


original adjective 原作的,真迹的,非品的

Friday · Aug 2HenryXu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
90天 47分 86%的同学

There’s much opportunity for one willing to dedicate himself to his labors.

91天 5101分 47分
已达标 已学习 今日学习I

If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.


7分钟 22 经验值



appreciate, go ahead, fortunate…等

This trip to Spain is an ideal opportunity to practice my Spanish.

Sure, go ahead.

It was fortunate that no one got hurt in the car accident.

The teacher tried to put the students at ease before the exam.

I appreciate all the effort you’ve made to reach our sales goal.

I was buying a birthday present for my wife because I had promised to give her a surprise.

The mother was cleaning the room because the children had made it so messy.

He was feeling stuck because his girlfriend had broken up with him.

She feels completely at ease with him.

May I ask you a personal question? Yes,go ahead.

This is an ideal park for children.

The nurse can always put crying babies at ease.

She was taking a vacation because she had won a travel prize at her company’s anniversary party.

I’d like to propose a toast to Mary, Teacher of the Year!

I hope they will reach a decision as soon as possible.

They were having dinner at that restaurant because their friends had recommended it.

May I leave by the back exit? Sure,go ahead.

She was coughing a lot because she had gone to sleep with wet hair.

He was taking a taxi because his car had been sent to the garage.

She was crying because she had been rejected by all the universities she applied to.



10分钟 85经验值

Greg 正在兴致勃勃地给Lucy 描述一部电影,但 Lucy 似乎并不是很感兴趣..


A: Hey Lucy, have you seen the new Fast and Furious movie?
B: No, not yet. What’s the plot?
A: Well, the main character is a policeman. He had been chasing a powerful group of criminals, but he had accidentally crashed his car. After he left the hospital, he–
B: From what I’ve heard so far, I don’t think I’d like it.
A: Why not?
B: I only like movies that are original and have a meaningful message.
A: In short, what you’re saying is that you don’t like movies with any action or violence.
B: I suppose you’re right. There was actually a movie I wanted to see last week, but I hadn’t been getting enough work done, so I had to study instead.


A: Hey Lucy, have you seen the new Fast and Furious movie?
A: 嗨,露西,你看过最新的《速度与激情》电影了吗?

B: No, not yet. What’s the plot?
B: 还没呢,剧情是什么?

A: Well, the main character is a policeman. He had been chasing a powerful group of criminals, but he had accidentally crashed his car. After he left the hospital, he–
A: 主要角色是个警察。他一直在追捕一个强大的犯罪团伙,但他不小心把车撞了。出院后,他——

B: From what I’ve heard so far, I don’t think I’d like it.
B: 根据我听到的内容,我觉得我不会喜欢这部电影。

A: Why not?
A: 为什么?

B: I only like movies that are original and have a meaningful message.
B: 我只喜欢那些原创并有意义的电影。

A: In short, what you’re saying is that you don’t like movies with any action or violence.
A: 总的来说,你的意思是不喜欢有任何动作或暴力的电影。

B: I suppose you’re right. There was actually a movie I wanted to see last week, but I hadn’t been getting enough work done, so I had to study instead.
B: 你说的没错。其实上周有一部我想看的电影,但我工作没完成,只能学习。

Why did the main character in the movie go to the hospital?
He accidentally crashed his car.

What kind of movie does the woman like?
Movies that are new and different in some way.

She had to study because she hadn’t been getting enough work done.

What can be inferred about Lucy’s attitude towards movies with action or violence?
She generally avoids them.

What did the policeman do in new Fast &Furious?
He had been chasing a powerful group of criminals, but he had accidentally crashed his car.

What’s Greg’s interpretation of Lucy’s attitude toward the new Fast & Furious movie?
In short, what you’re saying is that you don’t like movies with any action or violence.


Saturday · Aug 3 Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡

累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
91天 35分 80%的同学

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

92天 5136分 35分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

You do what’s in your heart.


11分钟 66 经验值

Greg 正在兴致勃勃地给Lucy 描述一部电影,但 Lucy 似乎并不是很感兴趣..


He had been chasing a powerful group of criminals, but he had accidentally crashed his car.

这句话前半句用了过去完成进行时 had been chasing 作为对电影人物的背景介绍。而后半句是过去完成时 had accidentally crashed,描述在过去某个时间点已经发生的事情。这句话的意思是:他一直都在追一群很强大的罪犯,但意外发生了车祸。

There was actually a movie I wanted to see last week,but I hadn’t been getting enough work done, so I had to study instead.

这句话的意思是:我上周本来有一部想看的电影的,但因为我工作量完成得不够,所以我只好继续学习。句中,上半句用了一般过去时,对过去的想法进行简单描述;下半句用了过去完成进行时 hadn’t been getting,表示在过去的时间点(即想看电影的时候)之前,动作就发生了并且一直延续到该时间点。

Which of the following statements is true?
I passed the exam.

Which of the following statements is true?
They booked their tickets.

He had already been working therefor years when he got a promotion.

Which of the following statement is false?
✘His parents had been giving him home-based lessons before he went to school.
✔He started to receive family education after he went to school.
✘He had been taught by his parents before he went to school.

He had been waiting for the bus for thirty minutes when it finally arrived.

I was extremely tired yesterday. I had been working all day.

We hadn’t been expecting any guests when they suddenly showed up.

They had been arguing for more than an hour before they finally reached an agreement.

They had been living in London for five years before they moved to New York.

She had been designing her own clothing line for years when a well-known fashion house noticed her work and offered her a partnership.

How did you like your last job?
I hated it. I had been working day and night during my last job.

I hadn’t been feeling tired before I started playing soccer.

I had been reading the book before you called me.

I had been considering various career paths for along time, but it wasn’t until I attended a motivational seminar that I finally decided to pursue my passion for writing.

He had been collecting vintage cars for years when he finally acquired his dream car.

You went to the beach yesterday. How was the experience?
After I had been lying on the beach all day long, enjoyed delicious seafood at a local restaurant.

What did you do after the project?
After I had been working on the project for weeks, I took a short vacation to relax.

I had been working for so long, so I treated myself to a nice dinner.

I had been eating unhealthily, so I started a balanced diet and exercising.

You had been saving money for a vacation fortwo years. Where did you go?
I had been dreaming of visiting Japan, so I went there.

She had been working in the garden all afternoon when it suddenly started to rain.


Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡
累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
92天 38分 82%的同学

Energy and persistence conquer all things.

93天 5175分 38分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

No one can deprive our free will.


10分钟 13 经验值


Just like you, dogs are likely to feel lonely without friends.

You and your dog are less likely to feel lonely again with Collar Meets Beagle!

If you don’t study, you’re very likely to fail the exam.

Our flight is very likely to be delayed in this terrible weather.

They are likely going on vacation next month, though they haven’t booked their flights yet.

Please remind me because I’m likely to forget.

They’re extremely likely to win the finals.

He’s extremely likely to work late again.

The project is more likely to be completed ahead of schedule due to the team’s hard work.

It’s more likely to rain in Shanghai than in Xinjiang.

You’re more likely to find better prices online than in physical stores.

I may go to a place where I’m more likely to meet new people, but I’ll never purposely look for love.

✔You’re more likely to cause an accident when you drive too fast.
✘You’re less likely to protect yourself if you fasten your seat belt.
✘You’re more likely to be safe when you drive with your eyes closed.

✔You’re less likely to stay healthy if you sleep only two hours a night.
✔You’re more likely to fall asleep when you are in a bright room.
✔You’re less likely to be sick if you go to bed very late.

Joshua, my friend saw your profile on Sparks. Since when do you use dating apps?

What’s the big deal? A lot of people use dating apps to meet people.

Do you really believe a dating app is more likely to help you find love than meeting someone in person?

Of course! There are tons of people to choose from. And Sparks can select the perfect match for me using information like my age, hobbies, and even location.

Joshua, I don’t think that’s how love works. Love is about experiences, not results.

Besides, if you’ve never met your “perfect match”, how do you even know her information is real?

What would you do then?

Well, I believe in soulmates. And a soulmate can’t be chosen for you.

So you just wait it out?

Love can’t be rushed.

It’s essential for me to experience the process of getting to know someone.

I may go to a place where I’m more likely to meet new people, but I’ll never purposely look for love. That just doesn’t work.


Joshua, my friend saw your profile on Sparks. Since when do you use dating apps?

What’s the big deal? A lot of people use dating apps to meet people.

Do you really believe a dating app is more likely to help you find love than meeting someone in person?

Of course! There are tons of people to choose from. And Sparks can select the perfect match for me using information like my age, hobbies, and even location.

Joshua, I don’t think that’s how love works. Love is about experiences, not results.

Besides, if you’ve never met your “perfect match”, how do you even know her information is real?

What would you do then?

Well, I believe in soulmates. And a soulmate can’t be chosen for you.

So you just wait it out?

Love can’t be rushed.

It’s essential for me to experience the process of getting to know someone.

I may go to a place where I’m more likely to meet new people, but I’ll never purposely look for love. That just doesn’t work.

正确率93%听原音0 次录音3 次


be more/less likely表比较

  • You and your dog are less likely to feel lonely again with Collar Meets Beagle!
  • The project is more likely to be completed ahead of schedule due to the team’s hard work.
  • It’s more likely to rain in Shanghai than in Xinjiang

be likely to 表可能性

  • Just like you, dogs are likely to feel lonely without friends.
  • Our flight is very likely to be delayed in this terrible weather.
  • If you don’t study, you’re very likely to fail the exam.


4分钟 8 经验值

为你准备了streaming,turn sth/sb down,subscription…等9个近期学习词汇的巩固练

subscription, binge-watch,road trip …等

streaming /‘stri:min/

subscription /sab’skrip[n/
noun 订阅费,订购款;服务费;(机构或俱乐部的)会费

pessimistic /.pesI’mistik/
adjective 悲观的

bold /bould/
adjective 勇敢的,无畏的;醒目的;显著的

Don’t be too pessimistic. He may still win the race.

He invited her to the party, but she turned the invitation down.

What does”subscription“mean? 订阅

to cancel the subscription

to binge-watch a movie series

She feels completely at ease with him.

a road trip

a bold choice

I’d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.


turn sth/sb down
noun 订阅费,订购款;服务费
verb 连续观看电视节目,刷剧
road trip
adjective 勇敢的,无畏的

Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡
累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
93天 31分 78%的同学

Fortune favors the bold.

94天 5206分 31分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

Business as usual is not really our motto.


13分钟 96 经验值



I’m picking a movie for tonight. Any recommendations?
How about ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’? Wes Anderson never disappoints.
I’ve heard great things about that one, but I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for something too intense.
Alright. Let’s go for something light-hearted and easy to follow. How about ‘La La Land’?
I love it, but we’ve watched it a dozen times. Maybe something new?
Fair enough. How about this one,’10 Things I Hate About You’?
It’s listed in the ‘Top 50 Best Guilty Pleasure Movies’.
Now you’re speaking my language! Guilty pleasure it is then!
Awesome! I’ll get the projector on.
And I’ll order a pizza.
Oh no…
What is it?
The projector isn’t working!
No way! After all the effort of picking a movie?!
Do you want to check out the new bar around the corner?
I’ll get the projector fixed, and we can save the movie for next weekend.
Sounds like a plan! I’ll just change into something smarter.


I’m picking a movie for tonight. Any recommendations?

How about ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’? Wes Anderson never disappoints.

I’ve heard great things about that one, but I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for something too intense.

Alright. Let’s go for something light-hearted and easy to follow. How about ‘La La Land’?

I love it, but we’ve watched it a dozen times. Maybe something new?

Fair enough. How about this one,’10 Things I Hate About You’?

It’s listed in the ‘Top 50 Best Guilty Pleasure Movies’.

Now you’re speaking my language! Guilty pleasure it is then!

Awesome! I’ll get the projector on.

And I’ll order a pizza.

Oh no…

What is it?

The projector isn’t working!

No way! After all the effort of picking a movie?!

Do you want to check out the new bar around the corner?

I’ll get the projector fixed, and we can save the movie for next weekend.

Sounds like a plan! I’ll just change into something smarter.

I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for something too intense.

Why doesn’t Mindy want to watch ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’?
Because it might be too intense for her.
Because she just wants to relax.

What kind of movie does Mindy want to watch?
She wants to watch something she hasn’t seen yet.
She wants to watch something light-hearted.

I’ve heard great things about that one, but I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for something too intense.
形容词 intense 可以指某个东西十分强烈,比如’an intense flavor’表示口味浓烈;同时,intense 也可以指有强烈情感的、激烈紧张的。

Fair enough. How about this one, ‘10 Things I Hate About You’? It’s listed in the ‘Top 50 Best Guilty Pleasure Movies’.
这句话中,‘10 Things I Hate About You’ 是一部上映于1999年的爱情喜剧电影。而对话中用 ‘guilty pleasure’ 来形容这部电影。形容词 guilty 意为感到愧疚的、有负罪感的,而名词 pleasure 则指乐事,因此,guilty pleasure 常常用来指代那些给自己带来快乐,但往往在别人看来有些登不上台面的乐趣。比如,一些人会觉得吃垃圾食品、熬夜看网络小说是 guilty pleasure。对话中提到的这部爱情喜剧,也可能因为其立意不高、简单俗气而被称为 guilty pleasure。但往往因为 guilty pleasure 能给人带来直接的快乐,网上会有 ‘Top 50 Best Guilty Pleasure Movies’ 这样的排行榜。

I’m not sure if I’m in the mood for something too intense.

It’s listed in the ‘Top 50 Best Guilty Pleasure Movies’.




  • Now you’re speaking my language!
  • Now you’re talking.




  • Sounds like a plan!
  • Sounds good!
  • Awesome!




  • Now you’re speaking my language!
  • Now you’re talking.
  • Sounds like a plan!
  • Sounds good!
  • Awesome!


Let’s go for something light-hearted and easy to follow.

A guilty pleasure movie.

Do you want to check out the new bar around the corner?

Sounds like a plan! I’ll just change into something smarter.

Because the projector is broken.

正确率100%听原音 25 次 录音 21 次

Henry Xu 刚刚在「懂你英语?A+」上完成了打卡
累计打卡 今天学习 时长排名超过
94天 32 分 78%的同学

With great power comes great responsibility.

95天 5239分 32分
已达标 已学习 今日学习

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.


There is a timeless quality in his work.

To this day, the whole story is still a mystery to me.

She is willing to give up a significant portion of her paycheck for a more meaningful job.

He took early retirement last year and started a world trip with his wife.

adjective 起初的,原先的,最早的;原作的,真迹的,非品的;独创的,有创.
noun 电影剧本;剧本;广播稿;讲话稿;文字;字母;(尤指漂亮的)书写,字…
verb 连续观看电视节目,刷剧
adjective 不朽的;永恒的;永不过时的;不受时间影响的;永恒的
adjective 富有意义的,意味深长的;有用的;有意义的
noun,verb (honour的美式拼写)
adjective 有权力的;有力量的;强大的;强有力的,强壮的;效力大的,强效的.


【流利说英语】05-15 电影-导演工作以及电影话题相关的表达