【简历与面试】02 Software Engineer Resume Sample & Template-软件工程师简历样本

Software Engineer Resume Sample & Template-软件工程师简历样本

Software engineers contribute to information systems by designing and creating software solutions. They approach situations by determining the specifications of systems in question, analyzing workflows, and proposing software solutions to address wants and needs. They often work closely with vendors to obtain software licenses, test products, and approve solutions. Depending on the level of their position, software engineers may also work closely with managers or executives in order to establish or meet company goals.

A great software engineer resume should include a few essential components. First, list your responsibilities and accomplishments for each previous position while keeping in mind the job that you’re applying for. Discuss projects that you’ve completed while providing specifics about goals you’ve met. Mention languages and programs you’re familiar with to convey the skills you’ve acquired on the job. Since this position typically requires advanced problem-solving skills, be sure to communicate how you approach and address problems.

Common Mistakes for Software Engineer Resumes

When you’re compiling your software engineer resume, keep an eye out for some of the most common mistakes. One of the biggest errors that software engineers make is listing general accomplishments without providing specific numbers. Simply mentioning that you’ve created code and designed programs for a company isn’t enough to convey your true accomplishments. Instead, mention what you’ve accomplished, how you’ve done it, and what kind of impact the final product had.

Another common resume mistake that software engineers make is failing to specify their skill level. Most candidates already know how important it is to list programming language they know and relevant skills they’ve acquired, but software engineers at all skill levels neglect to indicate where they rank in terms of each area of expertise. Make it easy for potential employers to know where you stand by using terms like “beginner,” “intermediate” or “expert” when you mention languages and skills.

Software Engineer Resume Sample-软件工程师简历样本

Liz Jones
123 Main Parkway
Vancouver, BC
123-456-789 | lizjones@mail.com123-456-789 | 123-456-789 lizjones@mail.com

Work Experience

2014 - Present2014年至今
Vancouver, BC不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华

Senior Software Engineer | Vancouver Tech Works

  • Use Hybrid Agile development methodology to maintain schedules for product development and testing
  • Coordinate the efforts of a remote team of 12 members through frequent online communication
    通过频繁的在线沟通协调由 12 名成员组成的远程团队的工作
  • Have applied strong sense of organization and leadership to reduce product development costs by 15 percent
    运用强烈的组织意识和领导力,将产品开发成本降低了 15%

2011 - 2014
Vancouver, BC

Software Engineer | BC Development
软件工程师| BC发展

  • Designed standard frameworks to be reused in future projects
  • Drove larger software engineering team to adopt cutting-edge software application
  • Acted as liaison between project team and clients to translate client needs into achievable goals

2011 - 2012
Vancouver, BC

Web Developer | 123 TECH
网页开发人员 | 123 科技

  • Created website for upcoming television network The ATLX
    为即将推出的电视网络 The ATLX 创建网站
  • Designed, developed, implemented, and maintained three web applications for clients
    为客户设计、开发、实施和维护三个 Web 应用程序
  • Analyzed user requirements, and translated client needs into application design


2005 - 2009
Calgary, AB

University of Calgary
B.S. Computer Science

Additional Skills & Interest

  • Proficient in SQL, Oracle, ERD, and Informix databases
    精通 SQL、Oracle、ERD 和 Informix 数据库
  • Intermediate knowledge of Java, C/C++, Perl, ASP.NET, and XML languages
    Java、C/C++、Perl、ASP.NET 和 XML 语言的中级知识
  • Proficient in UNIX, Linux, Windows operating systems
  • Expert knowledge of product troubleshooting procedures
  • Proficient in data analytics

Software Engineer Positions to Consider需要考虑的软件工程师职位

Are you ready to apply for a software engineer job? Check out the following links to start searching for exciting job positions in your area.

Get the Perfect Software Engineer Resume获得完美的软件工程师简历

Your coding skills may be out of this world, but are your resume-writing chops up to snuff? If you could use a little help making sure your resume is ready to be seen by hiring managers, get resume help from Monster’s resume-writing experts. Your custom-made resume is sure to stand out from the rest.
您的编码技能可能非常出色,但是您的简历写作能力合格吗?如果您需要一些帮助来确保您的简历可供招聘经理查看,请从 Monster 的简历撰写专家那里获得简历帮助。您的定制简历一定会脱颖而出。

【简历与面试】02 Software Engineer Resume Sample & Template-软件工程师简历样本