【BBC六分钟英语】鸡可以教给我们等级制度是什么? 【英文脚本】NeilHello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. CatherineAnd I’m Catherine. NeilCatherine, what’s the connection between hierarchies, managers and chickens? CatherineWell, I don’t know Ne 2018-11-15 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】人们在拥挤的地方会感到孤独吗? 【英文脚本】NeilHello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. SamAnd I’m Sam. NeilAnd we are sitting here in New Broadcasting House, in the middle of London. Would you say, Sam, that this is an isolated p 2018-11-08 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】爱美是人的天性吗? 【英文脚本】NeilHello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. SamAnd I’m Sam. NeilAnd in this programme we’re looking at the word objectification. SamObjectification is when we reduce people to objects 2018-11-01 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】如何培养创造力迎接未来挑战? 【英文脚本】NeilHello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. RobAnd hello, I’m Rob. NeilNow Rob, how creative are you? RobVery creative, I think. Creativity is in my bones! Look at this wonderful script 2018-10-25 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
慈善商店也能买到爆款? 【英文脚本】CatherineHello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Catherine. RobAnd hello, I’m Rob. CatherineNow Rob, do you ever buy things at a charity shop? RobYes I do. They are a great place to pick up a 2018-10-18 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
塑料危机你了解多少? 【英文脚本】NeilHello, and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Neil. RobAnd hello, I’m Rob. NeilToday we’re talking about plastic. RobYes, it’s our addiction to plastic that is of concern because this materi 2018-10-11 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】Z世代有什么时代特征? 【英文脚本】NeilHello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. RobAnd I’m Rob. NeilRob, what generation are you? RobWell what are my choices? NeilYou can’t choose what generation you are, it depends on whe 2018-10-04 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】工地标配变时尚单品? 【英文脚本】NeilHello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. RobAnd I’m Rob. NeilRob, it’s good to see you keeping up with fashion by wearing the high-vis jacket – although I have to say it is a bit dazz 2018-09-27 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】网络流行语雪花是什么意思?? 【英文脚本】NeilHello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I’m Neil. RobAnd I’m Rob. NeilRob, would you say that were a snowflake? RobWow, I can’t believe you said that, that’s so offensive. How could you be so 2018-09-20 学习笔记 #六分钟英语
【BBC六分钟英语】什么是数字时代的爱情密码? 【英文脚本】DanHello. And welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Dan. RobAnd hello, I’m Rob. DanIn today’s programme we’re going to be looking at what our brains are doing when we are using dating apps. Now, Ro 2018-09-13 学习笔记 #六分钟英语